Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Killer Raccoons!

This is a re-post from last year. 

This has got to be the best pest control experience ever.  Not a dead raccoon, no the press won’t pick that up.  Not the Co2 detector on the second floor that was not registering any problems.  Not even the levels of Co2 on the first floor. The order less gas was high enough to kill within no time. Nope this is a great story because the couple didn’t eat dinner and then retire into the living room to watch TV. If that were the case there would be a news story involving someone’s parents that had succumbed to the Co2.  Instead the only one to die was a full grown raccoon.  It died in the exhaust vent of the furnace blocking the chimney.  The only reason they are alive today is that they smelled the dead raccoon cooking from the heat of the furnace.  Then they called the gas company who in turn called me. The levels of Co2 were deadly in the basement and were rising on the first floor. Which is where, had they not smelled the raccoon, someone would have found these folks they didn’t show up to their next day’s appointments.
 So a happy ending all around.  Point of this blog is simple enough, now that the gas guy told me, install Co2 detectors near the combustion equipment and near your bedrooms.

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